If you’ve been researching learning center franchises, you should know that Huntington Learning Center stands out from the rest. The wide range of services and grade levels we specialize in allow us to work with virtually any K-12 student, whether they’re looking to improve their grades or bolster standardized test scores. Other tutoring centers specialize in a specific type of student, but Huntington Learning Center franchises do it all! Let’s take a look at a few types of students we regularly serve.
Students with Disabilities
Our tutors are experts in helping students with learning disabilities like ADHD. We know that students sometimes underperform in school because their unique learning style makes it difficult to master the curriculum in a traditional classroom. Not only do we help these students to work through their homework and gain a better understanding of content, but we can also provide them with study skills to make learning easier when they are in the classroom. About 12% of students nationwide are covered by the Individuals with Disabilities of Education act, and these parents are always looking for resources like Huntington Learning Center Franchise to help their students stay at grade level.
Advanced Students
Students who find school to be too easy also find themselves in need of our services. Many students who are not challenged by the school curriculum can easily disengage and find themselves disinterested in their classwork. At our learning center franchises, tutors who are experts in advanced subjects are there to help challenge and inspire students, giving them the opportunity to advance in their coursework. Furthermore, our summer programs offer a great opportunity to keep advanced students intellectually stimulated when school is out.
College-Bound Students
There’s no doubt that great scores on the ACT, SAT, or AP exams can be a major boon to students who are trying to get into college. Not only do many institutions offer credit for high scores, but a great score also makes students appealing to the colleges they want to attend. Parents and students alike are always looking for ways to give their application a boost, and our test preparation services are a popular option. The results don’t lie – our tutoring gives these clients a significant advantage.
What This Means for Huntington Learning Center Franchise Owners
Huntington Learning Center Franchises provide valuable services to K-12 students in their communities. Just about every student in your area will find that they have something to gain from your tutoring center, which puts you in a great position as a franchise owner. If your area is home to lots of families, you just might be in a great territory to open one of our franchises. Best of all, when you partner with Huntington Learning Center, we can help you to reach out to all of these potential clients. Our National Call Center combined with the coaching you’ll receive will prepare you to find potential clients and close deals.
Visit us online to learn more about the valuable services our learning center franchises provide.