Huntington Franchisee Featured in Chicago Tribune
Huntington franchise owner Carter Risdon, who recently renewed his franchise agreement for the Naperville, Illinois center, talks to the Chicago Tribune about how students success drives franchisee success and how the benefits of owning a community business far outweigh the challenges Read article
Uniting Passion and Strategy: Eileen Huntington featured on Franchise Euphoria podcast
Co-founder and CEO Eileen Huntington talks to Josh Brown of Franchise Euphoria on the leading franchising podcast. Hear Eileen share her wisdom on tutoring and franchising and how it all started.
Anne Huntington featured on “One-on-One with Steve Adubato” on PBS
Anne Huntington, Generation 2 of the founding family and Vice President of Business Development for Huntington Learning Center, spoke to Steve Adubato on PBS during Teacher Appreciation Week. Watch Anne discuss how Huntington builds students’ skills, confidence and motivation
Franchise Business Review Names Huntington Franchisee Bob Harms 2018 Franchisee Rockstar
Bob Harms, multi-unit Huntington franchise owner in Florida, named one of 50 Franchisee Rockstars across the country. Franchise Business Review chose the Rockstars by analyzing research from 27,000 franchisee surveys across more than 300 franchise brands and narrowed it down the 50 that really “stood out”. Read Bob’s interview here
Franchise Dictionary features CEO & Co-founder Eileen Huntington as “Class Act” in April Education Franchising Issue
The article highlights how Huntington helps children and gets results, and how the success of every Huntington franchisee is so important to the company. Read article